Friday 6 February 2009

Day.. Lost Count.

See? I'm a let down. So much for the vow to write everyday. Tut.
I knew i wouldn't be able to last for long; as Harry once said to me, "Rosa, you need to discipline yourself".. Ach, the cheek of it. Butttt.. maybe he was right. Dammit, why is he always right?Anyway, completely forgot about writing this thing, what with all the extensive dress hunting, rehearsals, dancingand ofcorse-homework.... Blah. Same old same old. But, it's been set as homework to write some more entries- so here i am.

But i am proud to announce, i am indeed going to practice the splits everyday. Girls at dancing are all practicing, and how embarassing would it be to be the only one who couldn't do them? Answer: VERY! And plus, sarah has added an element of competition: she wants to race to see who can do them first.. Must win must win. Although not openly competitive, inside- its bad. I hate to lose. Infact, i admit.... I'm a bad loser. Still, whats the point in doing something and not trying your best.. Answer again: there is no point.

Brace update: 3 months left. THREE MONTHS! That's ages. I'm getting to the point that if they do not come off in three months then i will actually rip the damn things off my teeth. Two and a half years is plenty. It's actually getting to the point where people are having them on waaaay after me and have had them off waaaay before me. life is unfair. But still, niiice cheesy grin here i come. :D

Getting glasses tomorrow. God, i really am going to look like a geek- what with my brace/specsface. Not good, especially since its valentines day next week. OH GOD, valentines day. Must be THE most depressing day of the year for a singleton, apart from Boxing day which is no fun either. Anyway, dreading it. Us singleton ladies, (excluding Hannah who has managed to snap up her fella, Tom.)... will be having great fun- not. Surrounded by Hannah-and-Toms is not fab, lets face it. Anyway, enough moaning- i must be off.

Heres another homework i can tick off in the link-book, WoopWoop!

I'll write soon. Maybe. Maybe not!

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