Friday 6 February 2009

Day.. Lost Count.

See? I'm a let down. So much for the vow to write everyday. Tut.
I knew i wouldn't be able to last for long; as Harry once said to me, "Rosa, you need to discipline yourself".. Ach, the cheek of it. Butttt.. maybe he was right. Dammit, why is he always right?Anyway, completely forgot about writing this thing, what with all the extensive dress hunting, rehearsals, dancingand ofcorse-homework.... Blah. Same old same old. But, it's been set as homework to write some more entries- so here i am.

But i am proud to announce, i am indeed going to practice the splits everyday. Girls at dancing are all practicing, and how embarassing would it be to be the only one who couldn't do them? Answer: VERY! And plus, sarah has added an element of competition: she wants to race to see who can do them first.. Must win must win. Although not openly competitive, inside- its bad. I hate to lose. Infact, i admit.... I'm a bad loser. Still, whats the point in doing something and not trying your best.. Answer again: there is no point.

Brace update: 3 months left. THREE MONTHS! That's ages. I'm getting to the point that if they do not come off in three months then i will actually rip the damn things off my teeth. Two and a half years is plenty. It's actually getting to the point where people are having them on waaaay after me and have had them off waaaay before me. life is unfair. But still, niiice cheesy grin here i come. :D

Getting glasses tomorrow. God, i really am going to look like a geek- what with my brace/specsface. Not good, especially since its valentines day next week. OH GOD, valentines day. Must be THE most depressing day of the year for a singleton, apart from Boxing day which is no fun either. Anyway, dreading it. Us singleton ladies, (excluding Hannah who has managed to snap up her fella, Tom.)... will be having great fun- not. Surrounded by Hannah-and-Toms is not fab, lets face it. Anyway, enough moaning- i must be off.

Heres another homework i can tick off in the link-book, WoopWoop!

I'll write soon. Maybe. Maybe not!

Monday 2 February 2009

Day Three

Third time lucky. Not sure how long this is gonna last for, but i'll have a stab at it eh? Handed the first two entries of this thing in today... Oh dear. Probably going to be re-read completely different to how i thought it was written- if you get me; probably not.

Well well well... SNOW! Real snow; and quite alot of it too. On the way home me, lewis and harry built a beeeeastie snowman... Almost bigger than me- though thats not hard. Well, in snow it is but anyway. It was amazing, it had eyes, and a moustache. But then some eeeegit went and kicked it down. God, if i'd have seen them, i don't know what i would of done... Took one and a half hours to make, several attempts to roll a head on my part- and some prat just trashed it. Not just the head though- which i have to add was complete with coal eyes and a carrot nose- kindly donated by the neighbour. But yeah, Ugh.

Not got long, a murder mystery programme coming on in a min.. ooft i do love my detective programmes. In fact, that american programme i was harping on about yesterday is back on tonight- prepare for another one of my pathetic minor rants.

Anyway, four minutes 'till the tv fest begins (god, how sad am i.)
Best be off, need to make a rosa-special hot choccie in these tough times in live- ie, one inch of snow so i'd better dash.
More writing tomorrow maybe, if you're lucky. Or perhaps unnnnlucky.

Sunday 1 February 2009

Day Two

Well well well... here i am again. And guess what, it snowed! And not just the pathetic feathery snow; it actually stuck for a while. I regret to add that it's all melted by now but it was good while it lasted. As the saying goes "all good things come to an end". Damn, i sure wish they didn't. Why is it in life all the bad things seem to last so much longer than the good. Like weekdays for example, the week draaaags by but the weekend just flies. Not fair. I really wish they would swap it round; two days of school and a week off- how fab would that be. Not gonna happen though. :(

God, life must be so easy as a boy. Everything is! For example, i spent two hours today, and yesterday searching long and wide for the PERFECT dress for leavers day... no such luck. A boy, literally goes into a shop, picks out a suit.. and finito. Lets face it, a suit is a suit is a suit right? "Hello sir, what colour suit would you like, we have black... or black?" Yeah, really tough decision. But anyway, my perfect dress has not been discovered as of yet. Doubt it will to be honest. People say looks don't matter, but lets be honest- ofcorse they do. The first thing any girl does is look at what another is wearing. It's just instinct. Leavers day has to be the most important school event so far? And therefore the dress is everything.

Just watched a teenage american programme- the start of a new series. Gawd, how far away are we from them... not in literal terms obviously, 'cos thats something like 600000000 miles or whatever- but i mean in lifestyle. Surely american teens aren't like that; it must be just on the programme- but still. For example, a girl, who was 15 years old- the same age as me... went out on a date with a guy that she met that very same day who owned a private jet and they flew to san fransisco for a meal and ended up 'spending the night together'. I mean come on, life isn't really like that is it? I hate to sound all prudish and old fashioned, but it's that sort of thing that give false expectations about what normal people should be like. Anyway, mild rant over.

Anyway- as i predicted, i am indeed running out of things to say. I knew the interestingness of rosa leedham would soon fade, hence the title. I hate having such a boring life- like in that programme, those girls are out partying every night etc etc etc.. and despite being completely unrealistic; you have to admit- that life sounds prettttyyy goooood. Never gonna happen though- just like the 5 day weekend idea.

I was thinking. A friend of mine told me about a distant relative he has. You know in my last entry, i said about the checklist of things to do before you die? Well, my friend told me about this guy who had a divorce, and therefore zero commitment etc. And he auctioned off all of his stuff- his house, his car and so on and then travelled the world using the money and is ticking off all those things he wanted to do. I hate to go really deep, but i thought it was really inspirational. For example, he learnt to fly a plane, skydive in a wind tunnel, meet richard branson, round up elephants, walk the wall of china, etc etc.. the list goes on. Anyway, thought it was relevant- enough said.

Best go, still got french to do, art to do, and perhaps- even m o r e dress searching to do.
Excluding the dress bit, don't ever say that we don't have to work for GCSE's. Who came up with that nonsense that they are getting much much easier, rubbish!! That annoys me, and i'll tell you what else does too. When people moan about youths of today having no respect etc... right infront of you. It is really annoying; it must be like 10% of youths that are like that. The rest of us have respect, don't hang around on street corners and so on, but we get glared at asif we are yobs. Tut. This blogging business is just turning into one huge rant. Not good.

On that incredibly sour note, i'm off once and for all.

Saturday 31 January 2009

Day One

Been one of those days. Don't know exactly what a 'those day' is exactly, but today was one. First off, i've got fourteen language 'conversation topics' to write about. Thats two lots of seven pointless scripts about meaningless rubbish that nobody wants to listen to a wannabe english person stutter through for twenty or so minutes, with a crap french or german accent. Who does listen to those tapes anyway... whoever it is.. i feel sorry for them. It's bad enough having to speak it, but i'm sure listening to it over and over is even worse. Unlucky.

Last night was amazing though. Danced at the Regent Theatre. Just saying it makes me feel proud; perhaps one of those things off the checklist. Everyone must have a 'checklist'. You know, 100 things to do before you die sorta thing. I've got loads. Many are unachievable, many easy reachable; but i'm often just too lazy to do it. For example, do the splits. I mean, yeah it's great to answer the question "Hey, can you do the splits?" with "Yeah, easy!" but it's a hell of a lot eaier said than done! Sure, the end result is preeeetty good, but getting there is no fun.

Seem to be stressed all the time at the moment. Hate to sound like an miserable old bag, but "i miss the good ole days".. but it's true. I wish i could do what i used to... Just watch tv all night long, lie in all weekend, not have any worries like how much bloody language stuff i have to learn and memorise, how much homework i have to do, how little time i have 'till exams, deadlines.. the list goes on. But i can't see any time in the near future when thats gonna come back. Never? Probably. I mean this year, undoubtedly, going to be h e l l. I was stressed for the mocks, imagine what i'm gonna be like the real time round. And then, sixth form... Also no easy ride. Followed by six years of university- that's if i get in. There's, yet again, another worry. Am i going to get into university!? People would think i'm attention seeking if i said this. Obviously, i know i could get into university, i think anybody who works can... But, i truly doubt that i can to be a vet. It's something like 38 people all fighting for each i n d i v i d u a l place in uni. What makes me different to all those 38? Or perhaps even as good as. This is assuming that i get staight A's in Blodge, Chemistry, Maths (*braces for a TUT*) English or German. And i hate to moan, but there's another thing. I can't decide what to do out of English or German. You know when something just sticks in your head and you can't forget it? Yeah. Well i got that when my english teacher said to me "you are being falsely modest" when i said that my piece was rubbish. But the thing is, i was/still genuinely belive/d that it was/is. I just can't seem to get my words from brain to paper; thats if i even have anything to say in the brain in the first place. But, the thing is.. i have no confidence with stuff like this. In fact, i'm r e a l l y surprised that i'm even managing to do this now. I really should be in bed, its 23:11 and i've got an early start tomorrow but for some strange reason i've got alot to say.

I don't really get the point of this blogging lark. But i'm beginning to see why some people do it. Besides, who in their right mind would want to read the boring, uninteresting life and times of rosa leedham!? Similar to who wants to listen to me burble through the damn language speaking exams. It's slightly stalkerish actually. The blog-readers; not the speaking exameners. It's like saying to some randomer "here, hey! Random person... take a look in my diary!" I go through stages in life where i vow to keep a diary, and to write in it every day. At one point, i did great-- finished a whole book. The thing is, i started off really neat, and thorough.. Pages and pages at a time and eventually it disintegrated (probably spelt wrong) into just a meer note "Sorry; no time". Who was i apologising to? There was, and still is no law with punishments against any little wimp who did not put a diary entry in for one day is there? Nope. But anyway, perhaps i'm gonna get into this blogging business. Still don't quite understand why someone would want to show their diary to a strange, potentially old man with a beard and false teeth- why that makes a difference i don't know.. but hey. But yeah, we'll see how it goes.

Anyway, best go. It's late and i must be on full alert as a waitress tomorrow- god help me. Three months into the job and i'm finally managing to stop making stupid stupid mistakes. Still, get paid.. what's the difference?
